Work in Japan and Australia has revealed that a deep-ocean current is carrying frigid water rapidly northward from Antarctica along the edge of a giant underwater plateau.
Leaders from the Union of South American Nations, UNASUR are scheduled to meet May 3 and 4 in Buenos Aires with President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner acting as host and Ecuador’s Rafael Correa as temporary chairman.
The former Panamanian leader, Manuel Noriega, has been extradited to France by the United States after spending more than 20 years in a prison there.
At 7:20 a.m. Saturday, former Nazi and cult leader Paul Schäfer died of heart failure in a Chilean prison hospital, closing a decades-long story of torture, tax evasion, and child sexual assault.
Uruguay is currently harvesting what is considered a record crop of soybean the ever expanding oil seed that as in neighbouring countries is taking over land from other exploitations and has made Mercosur the world’s leading producer and exporter.
Greece will not get its multi-billion Euro aid package until it commits to bigger economic sacrifices, Germany’s finance minister warned over the weekend.
A majority of Gibraltarians considers that the role of the Governor is important/ relevant in today’s Gibraltar. That is the conclusion of the recent poll carried out by the Gibraltar Chronicle.
With arms sales reaching 32.4 billion in 2008, BAE Systems is the first non-US company to lead SIPRI's Top 100 list of the largest arms-producing companies.
Brazil plans to increase the number of its voluntary army from 300.000 to 500.000 in the next two decades as the defence budget keeps growing steadily said ministry sources. The country’s defence budget soared 44.5% in real terms in the last five years.
Angry protestors from Argentina marched Sunday on to the bridge linking with Uruguay to express their disenchantment with the recent international court judgement on the pulp mill dispute, which confirmed the mill does not pollute and there’s no sufficient evidence for re-location or damages’ compensation as demanded by Argentine environmentalists.