The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that the worsening debt crisis in the Euro zone poses a “key risk” to China's growth. IMF added that China also faces domestic risks, not least from a sharper-than-anticipated decline in the property market.
Paraguayan ambassador Emilio Gimenez Franco presented last July 11 his credential letters to French president Francois Hollande, making him the country’s representative before Paris.
The International Red Cross pledged it will again contact British authorities with Argentina’s request for special forensic groups to travel to the Falklands to identify combatants buried in Islands’ unnamed graves.
Brazil’s delegate before the World Trade Organization said he was contacting other members of the organization so that sanctions are imposed on those countries which alter artificial money exchange rates that harm emerging countries, according to reports in the financial newspaper Valor Economico.
Britain's economy shrank far more than expected in the second quarter, battered by everything from an extra public holiday to government spending cuts and the neighbouring Euro zone crisis.
The European Commission has adopted amendments to the proposed Regulation and Directive on insider dealing and market manipulation, following the recent LIBOR and EURIBOR scandals.
The British media have turned their eyes on Argentina which has decided not to send its president to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, considered a diplomatic snub to Britain at a time of growing tensions over the Falkland Islands.
Fortuna, one of the Falkland Islands leading producer and exporter of premium quality frozen seafood launched this week its new seafood marketing website to expand the company’s marketing network.
Brazil's federal tax revenues dropped more than expected in June from the same period a year before, as a stubborn economic slowdown hurts corporate profits and prompts the government to grant tax breaks to some industries.
Cuban police arrested dozens of dissidents Tuesday at a funeral for political activist Oswaldo Paya and after his daughter's vow to seek justice over his sudden death in a road accident.