The good news for the Chinese leadership is that their fiscal policies have paid off, producing both the world's second largest economy and the globe's leading creditor nation in less than a generation.
Abattoirs in Paraguay during January slaughtered 73% more cattle than a year ago indicating strong demand both from overseas and local markets, but also the end of restrictions because of the foot and mouth disease outbreaks that last year knocked out the land locked country from foreign markets.
Falklands Conservation confirmed the stranding of long-finned pilot whales including the death of 22 adults on the east coast of East Falkland at Pleasand Roads, half way between Stanley and Mare Harbour.
Argentina’s Security Secretary Sergio Berni admitted that the sudden murder of Leonardo Andrada, a key witness in last year’s major rail tragedy investigation, was “suspicious.”
A Youth Orchestra from Uruguay which performed in the Hall of the Americas at the headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington DC received a standing ovation.
UK joined the group of countries that vote against granting multilateral organizations’ loans to Argentina as a form of protesting the mistrust generated by the government of President Cristina Fernandez recurrent international misconduct, reports the Buenos Aires media.
Argentina’s inflation last January was the highest in twenty two months, 2.58%, according to the average of private estimates which are banned from making public their findings, but which are released by the Congressional Freedom of Expression Committee.
A New York federal appeals court has agreed to hear from more parties potentially affected by its review of a decision requiring Argentina to pay 1.33 billion dollars to bondholders who did not participate in two debt restructurings.
By Vicente Palermo (*)
The international resolutions which Argentina appeals to support its claim over the Falklands/Malvinas Islands are not definitive on the sovereignty issue, and do not ignore the rights of the Falkland Islanders, argues an Argentine scientific researcher and member of the Argentine Political Club who published an opinion article in Buenos Aires daily Clarin.
Opinion by Robin Goodwin -
As a Falkland Islander, I do wonder where Alicia Castro the Argentine Ambassador to the United Kingdom was educated. To not recognize that Falkland Islanders exist is plain ignorance on the part of the Argentine Government. Particularly that she is based in England.