Brazilian Senators launched the impeachment trial of suspended president Dilma Rousseff on Thursday expected to end 13 years of populist rule in Latin America's biggest economy. The friendly spirit of the Rio Olympic Games faded and tension returned as the emotionally charged affair neared its climax, with Rousseff facing removal from office within days.
Mercosur on Wednesday displayed another chapter of its internal disarray, almost farcical, when Venezuela which proclaims the presidency of the group convened a meeting at the Montevideo administrative offices that was only attended by full member Uruguay and aspiring member Bolivia.
The Brazilian Senate will open the impeachment trial of suspended President Dilma Rousseff this Thursday and hear witnesses for and against the populist leader who is expected to be removed from office next week on charges of breaking budget laws.
By Michel Temer, Acting President of the Republic - The Olympic Games were an absolute success. This is the result of the work of each person who helped build the stadiums, the metro, the Olympic Village; each carioca who gave the right directions to our visitors.
On Monday the King of Norway's Guard paid a very special visit to RZSS Edinburgh Zoo to bestow a unique honor upon the resident king penguin Sir Nils Olav. Already a knight, the most famous king penguin in the world was given the new title of “Brigadier Sir Nils Olav”.
247 dead and counting, the death toll after the 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Central Italy today. It hit on a hot summer morning in the middle of a busy tourism season. Today rescuers continued to search for survivors on Thursday morning.
The British Foreign Office has recently declassified documents that allegedly prove that Israel sold weapons to Argentina during the 1982 Falklands War between the Argentine military dictatorship and the UK.
Australian woman credited with creating the burkini says bans on the full-bodied Islamic swimsuit in France have boosted sales. The clothing - which combines burqa with bikini - leaves only the face, hands and feet on show.
The Argentine Supreme Court is back to full strength with the inclusion of two Justices nominated by president Mauricio Macri. The Court had been understaffed for months following absences left by previous Supreme Court Justices Carlos Fayt and Raúl Zaffaroni upon their respective retirements.
Tens of thousands of Chileans took to the streets throughout the country on Sunday, seeking to increase pressure on the government to throw out Chile’s private pension system in favor of one that would provide better retirement benefits.