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Stories for June 23rd 2018

  • Saturday, June 23rd 2018 - 10:29 UTC

    OPEC ministers agree to increase oil supplies, but volume has to be decided

    On Friday, OPEC members agreed to start pumping more oil, though the agreement will not end the group's 18-month-old deal to limit output

    OPEC ministers announced a deal on Friday that will increase oil supplies from the producer group, which has been capping output in order to balance the market and boost prices for the last 18 months. The agreement came after a week of tense negotiation at OPEC's headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Top OPEC producer Saudi Arabia faced the challenge of convincing a handful of reluctant producers including Iran, Iraq, and Venezuela to support an output hike.

  • Saturday, June 23rd 2018 - 10:27 UTC

    Exxon-Mobil made its eighth major oil discovery offshore Guyana

     “The Longtail discovery is in close proximity to the Turbot discovery southeast of the Liza field,” Steve Greenlee, ExxonMobil Exploration Company president said

    ExxonMobil made its eighth oil discovery offshore Guyana at the Longtail-1 well in the Stabroek Block on June 20. The company encountered 256 feet of oil-bearing sandstone. The well was drilled to 18,057 feet depth in 6,365 feet of water.

  • Saturday, June 23rd 2018 - 09:50 UTC

    Falklands recommendations during snowy weather

    The Falklands capital Stanley covered in snow (Pic Derek Pettersson )

    With the onset of snow and ice this week, the Falkland Islands Government would like to rehearse some of the sensible precautions that should be taken to keep safe during this bout of winter weather

  • Saturday, June 23rd 2018 - 09:09 UTC

    Scotland withdraws consent to any further Brexit legislation until “devolution system is fixed”

    Scottish First Minister accused the UK government of “ripping up” the devolution settlement. (GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT—AFP/Getty Images)

    Holyrood will not give consent to any further Brexit legislation until the “broken” devolution system is fixed, Scotland's Brexit Minister has said. Michael Russell added the Scottish government no longer trusted UK ministers after they pushed through the Brexit bill last week. He was speaking as Nicola Sturgeon held talks in Guernsey with UK Cabinet Minister David Lidington.

  • Saturday, June 23rd 2018 - 09:05 UTC

    Hundreds of arbitrary killings by Venezuela security forces, claims UN

    These officers may have killed more than 500 people since July 2015 as a way to showcase crime-reduction results

    Venezuelan security forces have carried out hundreds of arbitrary killings under the guise of fighting crime, the UN's human rights body says. In the report it cites “shocking”accounts of young men being killed during operations, often in poor districts, over the past three years.

  • Saturday, June 23rd 2018 - 09:03 UTC

    BMW joins Airbus in calling for clarity in Brexit negotiations

    Earlier, Airbus warned it would leave if the UK exits with no transition deal.

    Car giant BMW has followed plane-maker Airbus in warning about the consequences of Brexit uncertainty. BMW UK boss Ian Robertson says clarity is needed by the end of the summer. BMW makes the Mini and Rolls Royce and employs about 8,000 people in the UK.

  • Saturday, June 23rd 2018 - 08:54 UTC

    Seabirds starving to death because of plastic pollution reveals documentary

    “But the scientists were telling us they sometimes pull out 200 or 250 pieces of plastic out of dead birds or from the regurgitation.”

    New footage of the devastating impact of plastic pollution on wildlife has been captured by a BBC team. Seabirds are starving to death on the remote Lord Howe Island, a crew filming for the BBC One documentary Drowning in Plastic has revealed. Their stomachs were so full of plastic there was no room for food.

  • Saturday, June 23rd 2018 - 08:43 UTC

    Anti-Brexit campaigners take to the streets in London on second anniversary of the referendum

    People's Vote, which wants a referendum on any exit deal, said people must make their “voices heard” about the damage of leaving next year without agreement.

    Anti-Brexit campaigners who want the public to have the final say on the UK's departure will take to the streets later on Saturday to argue it is “not a done deal”. The London march comes on the two year anniversary of the 2016 vote to leave. People's Vote, which wants a referendum on any exit deal, said people must make their “voices heard” about the damage of leaving next year without agreement.