Falkland Islands explorer Desire Petroleum said its half-year to end-June period losses decreased from 39.3 million dollars in the previous period to just 2m, due to a fall in exploration and evaluation expenses. It also announced that it was looking for a farm-in partner for the North Falkland basin, where the company is focused.
The future need of the Falklands Islands labour market is the driving force behind a decision to review the Falklands immigration system, confirmed Head of Policy Jamie Fotheringham this week in a report published by Penguin News.
The Falkland Islands don’t expect Argentina to accept the results of the coming referendum, but will show the rest of the world, particularly South and Central America that the Islands are a democracy and have the right to self determination, said Falklands’ lawmakers in an interview with the Mexican newspaper Excelsior.
Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd announced Monday that the well drilled to the East of the Falkland Islands to a depth of over 4.000 meters is a gas discovery. The statement comes after a rough week for FOGL when its shares plummeted following poor and unfounded press coverage.
Members of the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly Gavin Short and Sharon Halford are currently attending the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Plenary and Small Countries Conference in Sri Lanka.
“A Field Guide to the Wildlife of South Georgia” is the title of the comprehensive new 200-page soft-back guide to the Island’s wildlife. The book contains over 350 colour photos of the fauna and flora it describes.
Six ambassadors presented their credentials to Uruguayan president Jose Mujica during a ceremony held at the Executive Tower on Tuesday. The first to meet President Mujica was UK ambassador Ben Lyster-Binns.
South America's cruise industry has been growing fast and holds vast potential, but the region must work together to tackle issues, create demand and rein in costs, said speakers at the Seatrade South America Cruise Convention in Buenos Aires.
The Falkland Islands Sand Bay abattoir is busily in the midst of preparing for the oncoming season, confirmed Assistant Manager Dave Roberts this week. He said there was a small amount of upgrade work to complete, “which couldn’t be done at the start of last export season, and this is expected to be completed in the coming weeks.”
Anticipating a greater demand for housing from oil developers and support activities the Falkland Islands government is advancing plans to further expand Stanley. Additional funding to take in phase two of the Sapper Hill housing development to the south of Stanley has been approved by the Standing Finance Committee totalling £1.3 million for a further 27 housing plots.