Malvinas continues as “a colonial dagger in America” said Argentine Foreign Affaire minister Hector Timerman during an Ibero-Latin American ministerial meeting in Paraguay ahead of the full summit on Saturday.
Falkland Islands oil explorer Desire petroleum unveiled Friday a new competent person's report (CPR), which it hailed as confirmation of the prospectivity of its licences.
The Falklands/Malvinas sovereignty dispute has reached Internet domains with Argentina’s president of internet users appealing to ICANN to cancel ‘fk’ for those pages related to the Islas Malvinas alleging they are not a state or territory.
ICANN stands for Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
The Argentine representative before United Nations, Jorge Argüello claimed that the UK “defies the whole of South America” when it impedes Argentina from patrolling its own waters and exercising sovereignty over its own spaces.
Chile said on Wednesday it was evacuating residents from around the Hudson volcano in the country far south after it spewed a jet of steam a kilometre into the air and seismic activity triggered an avalanche.
The launch this month by the Falkland Islands Development Corporation (FIDC) of the Import Substitution Programme under the slogan, “Use Spades, Not Ships” bears striking parallels to the Grow More Food campaign established in war-time Britain during the Second World War. A campaign known better by its slogan – “Dig for Victory”.
Royal Navy frigate HMS Montrose has set sail for a six-and-a-half month deployment to the Falkland Islands and other South Atlantic Islands to maintain a continuous presence protecting British interests.
Argentine lawmakers participating of the Inter Parliamentary Union, IPU, in Switzerland presented a motion referred to the Falklands/Malvinas, calling for a ban on the exploitation of natural resources in those countries that have been invaded by military forces.
When the Leiv Eriksson, a rig built to hunt for oil beneath 10,000 feet of water in the world’s roughest seas, finishes drilling a well off Greenland’s west coast next month, it will sail for its next job -- a prospect 9,000 miles away, south of the Falkland Islands.
Conservation of penguins, rat eradication and creating a network of protected areas in the Falkland Islands are some of the projects currently under implementation by the UK Overseas Territories Environment Program, OTEP with local organizations.