The Falkland Islands Government announced this week the appointment of Nicola Granger to the post of Financial Secretary for the Falkland Islands Government. Ms Granger steps into the role permanently from the Head of Finance Position when Keith Padgett became Chief Executive.
Spain’s Foreign Minister issued a clear threat to Gibraltar in the latest salvo of words in the fishing dispute. Jose Manuel García-Margallo said Gibraltar’s stance in the row would lead to repercussions in other areas affecting the Rock.
The Argentine non government organization CeDePesca, Development and Sustainable Fisheries Centre have requested Argentine fisheries authorities to take action against the sustained over-fishing experienced by the hake (Merluccius hubbsi) in the South Atlantic.
The Falkland Islands total allowable effort and catch limits for 2013 will be largely the same as in 2012 it was agreed at the Islands’ Fisheries Committee Meeting this week.
Argentina has no interest whatsoever in fisheries conservation, Chair of the Falkland Islands Fishing Companies Association (FIFCA) Cheryl Roberts stated this week, and Director of Natural Resources John Barton believes an Argentine action aimed at undermining the Falklands fishery is likely to have a negative impact on their own fishery.
The European Commission has told a South West of England and Gibraltar Member of the European Parliament that it has no powers to intervene in the ongoing standoffs at sea between local law enforcement agencies and the Guardia Civil.
Argentina is planning the incorporation of Chinese jiggers to catch Illex squid next season, a decision rejected by the local fishing chambers but which according to the Buenos Aires financial media is linked to the sovereignty dispute over the Falkland Islands and surrounding waters.
UK would have run out of fish for the year by now if it relied on stocks from its own waters, a report suggests. Annual domestic fish stocks can satisfy demand for about 233 days a year, think tank the New Economics Foundation said. This leaves the UK reliant on imported fish, such as haddock and cod, with at least one in three fish consumed in the UK imported from outside the EU.
Falkland Islands Consolidated Fisheries Ltd has announced that the Falklands longline Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) fishery has entered full assessment for Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.
Spanish fishermen expressed perplexity at the announcement by the Gibraltar Government that it will not be granting permission for commercial fishing with nets to be carried out in Gibraltar waters. The controversy has caused several incidents in the bay between the Spanish Guardia Civil and Gibraltar Royal Police and there are fears of a resumption of the conflict.