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Montevideo, September 21st 2024 - 03:18 UTC


  • Monday, March 11th 2013 - 05:43 UTC

    Iranian Majlis assembly prepare to vote on AMIA MoU with Argentina

    Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and Hector Timerman, signed the MoU last January in Ethiopia

    Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said on Sunday a recent agreement between Iran and Argentina to set up a truth commission to investigate the 1994 AMIA Jewish centre bombing has been submitted to the Majlis for approval.

  • Monday, March 11th 2013 - 05:06 UTC

    Uruguay defence minister blasts Uruguayan observers at Falklands referendum

    Fernandez Huidobro said they represent an “enormous shame” for Uruguay

    Uruguay Minister of Defence Eleuterio Fernandez Huidobro described as an “enormous shame” for the country the fact that two lawmakers from the leading opposition National party travelled to the Falklands/Malvinas to participate as observers of the Sunday/Monday referendum on the Islands political status and future.

  • Monday, March 11th 2013 - 04:30 UTC

    “Fantastic” Falklands’ vehicles rally in support of the referendum and UK

    MLA Gavin Short casting his vote: ‘a real exercise in democracy and human rights’   (Pic: EFE)

    Described as ‘fantastic’ despite the bad weather over 300 vehicles plus motorbikes, quads, old tractors and horse riders flying Falklands flags and Union Jacks turned out on Sunday in Stanley for a march along the sea front and the Liberation Monument in support of the two-day referendum on the Islands future.

  • Sunday, March 10th 2013 - 11:38 UTC

    PM Cameron fumble turns austerity and budget cuts policy into a national debate

    OBR Robert Chote said “there is widely held assumption that tax increases and spending cuts reduce economic growth”

    Prime Minister David Cameron was reprimanded by a budget watchdog for claiming that it did not see his austerity agenda as a drag on Britain's economy. In a speech on Thursday, Cameron said his deficit-cutting agenda was not responsible for the country's depressed growth rate which was instead caused by the financial crisis, the Euro zone's problems and higher oil prices - a view he said was endorsed by the independent watchdog.

  • Sunday, March 10th 2013 - 11:29 UTC

    Fitch downgrades Italy’s debt rating; economy forecasted to contract 1.8% this year

    PM Mario Monti’ technocrat government did not deliver all it was expected

    Ratings agency Fitch added to Italy's mounting problems this week by cutting its credit rating due to the political uncertainty after last week's election, deep recession and rising debt. Fitch lowered Italy's sovereign rating by one notch to BBB plus, with a negative outlook, raising the risk that its next ratings change will be a further downgrade.

  • Saturday, March 9th 2013 - 05:35 UTC

    Falklands’ rights and sovereignty

    Sir Peter Westmacott is the British ambassador to the United States.

    By Sir Peter Westmacott (*) - Where in the world can you celebrate Margaret Thatcher Day with five kinds of wild penguins? Nowhere but in the Falkland Islands, a windswept archipelago in the South Atlantic that’s about the same area as Connecticut but has a population of only 3.100. This weekend, these small islands with a big personality face a momentous choice: a referendum to decide their political future.

  • Saturday, March 9th 2013 - 05:30 UTC

    Iran’s Ahmadinejad received a standing ovation at Chavez emotional funeral

    The Iranian president broke protocol to touch and kiss the casket and clench his fist in a revolutionary salute.

    Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Cuba's Raul Castro joined on Friday about thirty other heads of state at Hugo Chávez's funeral in an emotional farewell to the charismatic Venezuelan leader who during his fourteen years in office had a major impact on South American politics.

  • Saturday, March 9th 2013 - 05:10 UTC

    A woman is commander of RAF Search and Rescue Force over UK and Falklands

    Group Captain Sara Mackmin, in full gear ready to pilot a helicopter

    In recognition of International Women's Day on 8 March the British Armed Forces profiled Group Captain Sara Mackmin who is the new commander of the RAF Search and Rescue Force with responsibility over the UK and the Falkland Islands.

  • Saturday, March 9th 2013 - 04:49 UTC

    “Vision of the Seas” cruising the Caribbean hit by norovirus

    The cruise vessel returned to Port Everglades in Florida

    Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. on Friday said its “Vision of the Seas” cruise ship returned to Port Everglades in Florida with 108 people who might have caught an illness thought to be norovirus.

  • Saturday, March 9th 2013 - 04:32 UTC

    Cardinals begin conclave Tuesday for new Pope; demands for more transparency

    The conclave with 115 cardinal-electors will be held at the Sistine chapel

    Catholic cardinals gathered in Rome voted Friday to begin the conclave, to elect a new pope next Tuesday afternoon, the Vatican said. The 115 cardinal-electors taking part in the conclave will enter the closed-door process after a morning Mass and only cardinals younger than 80 are eligible to vote.