Incumbent President Dilma Rousseff pulled ahead again in a new poll ahead of Brazil's presidential election and she appears to be the favorite to win Sunday's runoff although the vote is still too close to call.
Brazilian presidential opposition candidate Aecio Neves insisted that if elected he will review Mercosur rules and make them more flexible so that the country can reach bilateral agreements with third parties and not limited by the consensus clause of the trade block. He also mentioned the Pacific Alliance as a pragmatic integration reference.
President Dilma Rousseff is gaining momentum but remains locked in a dead heat with challenger Aecio Neves ahead of Sunday's runoff to Brazil's presidential election, according to two surveys released on Monday.
Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff fell ill at the end of a tense and at times bitter televised debate Thursday with challenger Aecio Neves. Rousseff and Social Democrat Neves traded accusations for an hour and a half, after which she began to complain of feeling light-headed as she left the rostrum.
Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff and her challenger Senator Aecio Neves for the 26 October runoff, are technically tied according to the latest public opinion poll released by Datafolha, which so far has shown to be one of the most reliable pollsters.
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and rival presidential candidate Aecio Neves have clashed over corruption and the state of the economy in the first of a series of televised debates ahead of the second round of presidential elections. 26 October.
Business-friendly opposition candidate Aecio Neves received a crucial boost in Brazil's presidential election race on Sunday with the endorsement of popular environmentalist Marina Silva two weeks before his runoff against incumbent Dilma Rousseff.
Deep reforms and opening Mercosur to the world will be proposed by opposition candidate Aecio Neves to the other full members, if finally he is elected to lead Brazil in the 26 October runoff against president Dilma Rousseff, said Rubens Barbosa a trade expert, former ambassador in the US and currently coordinator of the opposition government program.
Pro-business candidate Aecio Neves has a slight lead of 2 percentage points over President Dilma Rousseff ahead of the October 26 runoff in Brazil's presidential elections, according to two new polls released on Thursday.
The political party that launched environmentalist Marina Silva's unsuccessful presidential bid has thrown its support behind pro-business candidate Aecio Neves for Brazil's Oct. 26 runoff vote against populist President Dilma Rousseff.