British submariners have been recognized for their efforts to help Argentina find missing sub San Juan. An eight-strong military team and one civilian were flown to the South Atlantic as part of the massive search effort sparked when the submarine vanished in November 2017. They have earned a commendation from the UK’s second most senior sailor, Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Jerry Kyd.
A French submarine that went missing in the western Mediterranean in 1968 has been located during a search mission, officials said on Monday, ending a 51-year wait for families of the deceased who continue to seek answers to the naval disaster.
Argentina's defence minister, Oscar Aguad, will publish on Monday a summary prepared by the Mayor state of that country, Infobae reported, establishing the military responsibilities of the Navy in the sinking of the submarine ARA San Juan, found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean on November 2018, one year after its vanishing.
Falkland Islands elected lawmaker MLA Roger Spink in his Tuesday speech before the UN Committee on decolonization called on the Argentine representatives to leave aside colonial and conquering wishes over the Islands and start behaving as a 21st-century member of the world community, respecting democratic rights and living and working in harmony with regional neighbours.
Argentina's Defense Minister Oscar Aguad, quoting reports from experts, said on Friday that the sinking of the ARA San Juan submarine in November 2017 was caused by a “lack of training” and “capabilities.”
Early morning Thursday a helicopter from the Falkland Islands will be lifting ashore from the search and survey vessel Seabed Constructor, a Luxembourg national who suffered head injuries during the capsizing of the French flagged yacht Paradise in the South Atlantic.
An Argentine yacht with a crew of five, one of them a survivor of the sinking of ARA General Belgrano during the Falklands conflict have left Bahia Blanca for Ushuaia and then on to the End of the World Lighthouse at the Isla de los Estados, where they plan to open a library under the name of Malvinas Heroes.
Everybody is aware of the recent hunt for the lost Argentine submarine San Juan, but what only a few know is that Falkland maritime archaeologist Mensun Bound was one of the team on board the Seabed Constructor, the ship that conducted the search.
Argentine Defense Minister Oscar Aguad Tuesday said the causes of the ARA San Juan submarine's fate are closer to become known, but he pointed a finger at faulty maintenance between 2008 and 2015 under President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (CFK).
The Argentine federal judge from Caleta Oliva in Patagonia, under whose jurisdiction the loss of the ARA San Juan occurred is expected in Buenos Aires to analyze a raft of some 67.000 images taken by the Seabed Constructor of the collapsed submersible. These include photos videos, taken by the US rescue company before leaving for South Africa.