Chile's state-run oil company ENAP (Empresa Nacional del Petróleo) announced Wednesday that the South American country has proven able to produce renewable diesel out of used cooking oil. “A new step towards a greener Chile! ENAP presents its new renewable diesel, made from used cooking oil,” a statement read.
Chilean foreign minister Antonia Urrejola received the British Ambassador in Santiago, Louise de Sousa to address several issues of the bilateral agenda, particularly referred to green energies.
“Salmon farming industries must move out of protected areas” was the controversial phrase from Chilean president Gabriel Boric during his latest visit to Magallanes region, the extreme south of the country.
Chile’s environmental regulator on Monday charged state oil company ENAP with improper fracking in Tierra del Fuego, a wild, largely unpopulated region at the southern fringe of the South American continent.
The state-run energy firms of Chile and Argentina said on Wednesday they had inaugurated a US$ 354 million project to increase production of natural gas off the southern tip of South America.
Magallanes Region in the extreme south of Chile is taking advantage of its weather conditions and will convert its wind gusts into energy. With some six million dollars from the National Fund for Regional Development and in coordination with Chilean government owned oil company Enap, a wind farm will be installed in Cabo Negro during the second half of the year.
Chilean state oil company ENAP announced the signing of an agreement with Japan's Mitsui & Co. for the development of two power generation projects with combined installed capacity of nearly 1,300 MW.
Chile's oil and gas government company, Empresa Nacional de Petroleo (ENAP) returned to the US dollar market for the first time in almost three years, becoming the latest Chilean issuer to take advantage of a strong bid for high-quality Latin American corporates.
President Michelle Bachelet announced on Thursday that Chile would invest 650 million dollars to build a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and strengthen the state-run oil company in an effort to deal with a mounting power crunch.
Chile's state-owned oil and gas company ENAP successfully put into production the well “Paraguaya 2” at Intracampos Block (100% ENAP) in Tierra del Fuego, with an initial flow rate of 160 cubic meters per day of oil, equivalent to 1,006 barrels.