An Argentine magistrate ordered the Executive to present official reports on the extent of poverty and indigence in the country, figures which allegedly the much questioned stats office, Indec ceased to release almost two years ago. However cabinet chief Anibal Fernandez ironically downplayed the order arguing the judge was 'meddling' in something she does not know.
The consumer price index in Tierra del Fuego, extreme south of Argentina climbed 2.3% in August, totaling 17.4% in the first eight months and 28.4% in the last twelve months, according to the province's stats and census office.
According to Argentina's stats office Indec, consumer prices during the month of August climbed 1.2% over July, 9.4% in the eight months and 14.7% in the last twelve months. These numbers however are quite different from private consultants' estimates and the City of Buenos Aires stats office: 2.17% and 1.8% inflation for August, respectively.
The Consumer Price Index in Argentina's Tierra del Fuego province reached 1.5% in July and 28.2% in the last twelve months, according to the province's Stats and Census office.
Industrial production in Argentina fell 0.8% in June compared to the same period last year, according to the country's National Statistics and Census Institute (INDEC), marking the 23rd consecutive month that the sector has contracted. However with seasonally adjusted figures, Indec's data showed a 0.9% rise, the first positive advance in two years (July 2013).
Economic activity in Argentina has increased 2.2% in May, compared to the same month of 2014, according to the country's stats office, Indec. Compared to April this year, economic activity has grown 0.8%, the Monthly Economic Activity Index revealed.
Argentina's 'official' inflation during June was 1% over the previous month according to the National Statistics and Census Institute, Indec, while prices during the current calendar year prices have reached 6.7% and 15% over the last twelve months.
Inflation in Argentina clocked 1.53% in June accumulating 27.9% in the last twelve months according to the report released on Tuesday by members of the Congressional opposition based on an average from private consultants. This week Argentina's government stats office, Indec in scheduled to announce the official rate.
Argentine industrial production fell 0.3% in May compared to the same month last year, marking its 22nd consecutive decrease according to the INDEC statistics bureau. Taking into account the first five months of 2015, industrial activity decreased 1.5% compared to the same period of 2014.
Tierra del Fuego's Consumer Prices Index, CPI for May was almost three times higher than the Argentine government official index from stats office Indec: 2.7% against 1%. The percentage was provided by Tierra del Fuego's Stats and Census Office, which also shows that in the first five months of the year inflation reached 11.4% and 28% in the last twelve months, well above the 15.3% from Indec.