Unemployment in the extreme south Chilean region of Magallanes was the lowest in the country during the April/June quarter, 2.3%, according to the latest report from the country's stats office, INE. This is 0.5 percentage points less than the previous quarter and 1.4 percentage points below a year ago.
Uruguay's inflation index was down 0.06% during April with the annual index standing at 9.18% and 4.68% in the first four months of the year, according to the latest release from the country's stats office, INE.
Uruguay’s consumer inflation soared 1.36% over August in September boosted by increases in energy and fuel, transport, milk and other basic items, according to the latest release from INE, the government’s data office. This means inflation in the last twelve months climbed to 9.02% from a month ago (8.86%) and 8.2% in the first nine months of 2013.
Uruguay’s inflation in August kept climbing and reached 1.04%, totalling 6.74% in the first eight months of the year and 8.86% in the last twelve months, which is well above the Central bank target of 4% to 6%, according to the latest report from the local Statistics Office, INE.
President Sebastian Piñera asked Chileans to forgive him for a 2012 census that a review panel found to be so flawed it should be thrown out, a political embarrassment for his government months before a general election.
Consumer prices in Uruguay during July increased 0.77% while twelve-month inflation reached 8.75%, which is the highest since last February, and well ahead of the 8.21% to June, according to the latest release from the country’s National Stats Institute, INE.
A few hours after the Venezuelan congress voted a 79 million dollars credit for the import of 39 million rolls of toilet paper and other personal hygiene items, the government of President Nicolas Maduro said this was because “Venezuelans are eating more”.
Uruguay consumer prices climbed 0.66% during March totalling 3.59% in the first quarter of the year and 8.54% in the last twelve months, according to a Wednesday release from the National Stats Office, INE.
Every fifth resident lives in poverty in Spain, new figures showed on Monday.
The national statistics institute INE said 21.1% of the 47-million population lives below the poverty line, meaning they live on less than 7,355 Euros (9,610 dollars) annually.
Condemned by recession, almost a million persons have left Spain since January last year according to a report from the country’s National Statistics Institute, INE, which also points out that the trend has intensified in the first nine months of this year.