The International Monetary Fund has warned of new risks to global financial stability. Low interest rates could lead investors to buy riskier assets as they seek better returns, the IMF says.
The International Monetary Fund anticipates two years of recession for Argentina in a context of increasing economic misbalances and uncertainty because of the ongoing litigation with the holdouts or 'vulture funds', as well as inflationary tensions.
The International Monetary Fund kept Uruguay's growth estimate for this year at 2.8% but lowered the forecast for 2015 to 2.8% from 3%, according to the latest World Economic Outlook. Last year the Uruguayan economy expanded 4% and the government's target for this year is 3%.
World Bank Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean Augusto De la Torre has said the ongoing conflict between Argentina and holdout creditors is due to the “lack of international debt regulation frames”, and favored Argentina's initiative in the UN to “solve the situation.”
The International Monetary Fund cut its global economic growth forecasts for the third time this year, warning of weaker growth in core Euro zone countries, Japan and big emerging markets like Brazil.
Saharan Africa's economic growth remains strong and should accelerate to 5.8% in 2015 but if the Ebola outbreak in its western corner is protracted or spreads it will have dramatic consequences for that zone, the IMF said on Tuesday.
The International Monetary Fund on Monday urged changes in sovereign bond contracts as Argentina remained mired in a US court battle with holdouts or vulture funds years after its massive debt restructuring.
Scotland’s possible secession from the United Kingdom as a result of the upcoming referendum could cause negative market reactions in the short-term, William Murray, Deputy Spokesman at International Monetary Fund (IMF), told reporters Thursday.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has expressed confidence in its leader Christine Lagarde, despite her being investigated for negligence in France. Ms Lagarde, 58, has been questioned about her role in awarding compensation to businessman Bernard Tapie in 2008, when she was Minister of Finance.
The Bank of England opted this week to keep its main interest rate at a record-low level of 0.50% against a backdrop of solid British economic growth. The central bank's nine-member monetary policy committee decided also to maintain the level of cash stimulus in the economy at £375 billion, it said in a statement.