Personality clashes in an elected assembly of a small community where virtually everybody knows each other, such is the case of the Falkland Islands and its almost 3.000 residents, was one of the issues discussed during an electoral debate ahead of the 7 November General Election chaired by the local radio station, FIRS, and Penguin News.
Preparations are under way in the Falkland Islands for a General Election to be held on November 7 this year and 4.30pm on October 17th marks the last moments for would be Members of the Islands Legislative Council to announce their candidacy. This year the list of candidates will be subject to particular scrutiny.
United States Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart released a statement after introducing a House Resolution recognizing the Falkland Islands referendum which was held March 10/11 with an overwhelming turnout and result.
With the next general election for Legislative Assembly Members for the Falkland Islands Government less than a year away, public consultation has begun on whether the posts should become full time with an appropriate salary paid.