Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisas Agropecuarias) created tropical agriculture in Brazil, thus allowing the country to become the giant food producer it is today. Hailed for the work done in adapting soybeans to the hot, humid, acidic climes of the Cerrado savannah, where nearly 17% of the world's beans are now cultivated, the state-run research company is a national treasure.
Argentina's central bank has warned businesses to stop rejecting commemorative bank notes bearing the image of Eva Peron to mark the 60th anniversary of the iconic former first lady's death. President Cristina Fernandez, whose fiery speaking style often prompts comparisons with that of Evita unveiled the 100-peso bills emblazoned with her profile a year ago.
Spain's foreign minister Tuesday offered apologies to Bolivia's Evo Morales for any misunderstanding linked to last week's diversion of the Latin American leader's aircraft, but insisted that Madrid never barred the plane from its airspace. Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo addressed the issue at a breakfast with reporters in Madrid.
Paraguay reiterated on Tuesday that if Venezuela assumes as pro termpore chair of Mercosur, it is not interested in returning to the group and discarded Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro pledge to ensure Paraguay is fully reincorporated.
The Organization of American States Permanent Council (OAS) adopted on Tuesday a resolution expressing solidarity with President of Bolivia Evo Morales whose official aircraft last July 2 was delayed because of air space pass-by denial in Europe and urged the European countries involved to provide explanations and apologies.
Chile cut its copper output forecast for the year to 5.53 million tons due to setbacks at certain mines, though production is still expected to jump from 2012 as a new deposit comes online, the mining ministry said this week.
International use of the Euro slipped last year because of the debt crisis in Europe, but the US dollar held its own as the world’s leading currency for reserves held by central banks, according to the European Central Bank.
The owner of the New York Stock Exchange is set to take control of a key scandal-hit bank interest rate. NYSE Euronext has won the contract for setting the London Inter-bank Offered Rate (Libor), a government-backed committee announced. Libor is used to set trillions of dollars of financial contracts.
Brazilian authorities decided the exhumation of former president Joao Goulart remains to determine whether he was poisoned as part of the Plan Condor implemented by the Southern Cone military regimes to eliminate opponents during the seventies and eighties.
Chile's consumer inflation was up 0.6% in June, the biggest increase in eight months and slightly above expectations as costs jumped for accommodation, electricity, fuel products and water, the government said on its latest stats report.