Argentina's new plan to skirt U.S. courts and resume payment on defaulted bonds aims to protect creditors who participated in two debt restructurings, Economy minister Axel Kicillof said on Wednesday. But he also emphasized that the bill sent to Congress did not mean a 'change of jurisdiction' from New York but rather a change of payment 'location'.
One of two hedge funds that sued Argentina over defaulted bonds branded the country's leaders “outlaws” on Wednesday after Buenos Aires moved to shift its bond payment method.
The Italian legal representative of Argentine bondholders, Tullio Zembo praised the Sovereign Public Debt Payment Law announced by President Cristina Fernandez, saying the decision to change the debt’s jurisdiction to Buenos Aires is “probably the most appropriate.”
President Cristina Fernandez said on Tuesday her government will move to service its defaulted debt in Argentina or allow bondholders to swap their bonds for new bonds governed by national law in order to get around a U.S. court order.
Economy ministry Axel Kicillof once again defiantly insisted Argentina has made a required debt payment on restructured sovereign bonds on Friday night, just hours after a U.S. judge threatened a contempt-of-court order if Argentina did not stop issuing such statements.
New York district judge Thomas Griesa and the Argentine government are again on the collision course: while the magistrate has ordered the Bank of New York Mellon to retain the funds deposited by Argentina to pay exchange bondholders and declaring the payment “illegal”, the Ministry of Economy in Buenos Aires suggested bondholder should change BONY for a new intermediary institution.
The Argentine Government will formally demand that Citibank and the Bank of New York Mellon pay exchange bondholders, the Economy Ministry informed on Tuesday in a press release.
President Cristina Fernández said on Thursday she will not sign an agreement that compromises Argentina's future, while blasting vulture funds for wanting to collect Griesa's usurious sentence, following the Wednesday failure of negotiations between the country and holdouts.
Argentina will sent a negotiation team to New York on Monday for further talks with a US court-appointed mediator Daniel Pollack in its debt dispute with holdout investors, Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich said earlier, with just two days left to avert a default.
US District Judge Thomas Griesa in New York said on Wednesday that he would hear arguments on July 22 related to the banks and payment agents caught up in the Argentine sovereign debt litigation with holdout speculative funds.