Jamaica's Ministry of Health is urging people to be more vigilant and to clean up their environment and destroy mosquito breeding sites, in light of the announcement by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) that the Zika virus has been detected in a Caribbean Community (CARICOM) nation.
Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) Foreign Ministers have welcomed Venezuela’s decision to receive a United Nations (UN) technical team which will provide recommendations to the UN Secretary-General on the way forward to a full and final solution to its territorial dispute with Guyana. And they say they fully support Guyana’s “territorial integrity”.
Prime Minister David Cameron has ruled out making reparations for Britain's role in the historic slave trade and urged Caribbean countries to move on. Cameron acknowledged that these wounds run very deep during his visit to Jamaica, where he faced calls to apologize from campaigners.
Venezuela’s vice-president Jorge Arreaza recently heard directly from CARICOM chairman, Barbados’ Prime Minister Freundel Stuart, that the regional grouping is backing Guyana in the territorial dispute between the two South American neighbors. Stuart met last Friday with Arreaza who was visiting the island as part of a regional tour to discuss Venezuela’s territorial and maritime claims in the region.
The Caribbean Community, Caricom is considering a proposal for the region to pursue gradual write-off of its multilateral debt as a means of economic prosperity. The debt relief strategy was put forward by Alicia Barcena from the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), at the 36th Regular Meeting of the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community, held in Barbados.
The chairman of a 15-member Caribbean trade bloc said over the weekend that he backs Guyana's government amid an escalating border dispute with neighboring Venezuela. Freundel Stuart spoke at a press conference as Caricom leaders ended a three-day summit in Barbados.
Venezuela’s recent claim on Guyana’s maritime territory is a “legal absurdity” and US oil firm ExxonMobil will continue to work as scheduled, President David Granger has said. Labeling Caracas’ claim as the worst intrusion the country has ever had on its sovereignty, the President said his government has made its position on the claim by Venezuela clear to the oil company.
The Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the Organization of American States (OAS), Neil Parsan DVM, MBA, CACM, RFC, was inaugurated on Thursday as Chair of the Permanent Council of the hemispheric institution, a position he will hold for the next three months and in which he follows the Ambassador of Suriname, Niermala Badrising.
The United States Monday rolled out a new initiative for Caribbean countries to ensure energy security in a move widely seen as distancing the Caribbean from Venezuela for their oil and energy needs.
Guyana's ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) dismissed a warning from Britain that Guyana risks being referred to the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group after the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country suspended Parliament in November last year.