Two female King penguins arrived last week at Birdland Park and Gardens in Bourton-on-the-Water in the Cotswolds, in Gloucestershire. The pair hatched in Wuppertal, Germany, in 2021 and 2023 and are believed to be the first female king penguins to be imported to the UK in 15 years. The Birdland Park hopes to boost its breeding program of King Penguins.
The government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands has reported that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has now been confirmed from 23 sites across South Georgia, including a colony of Gentoo and a colony of King penguins.
Some people don’t like sharing their food – we all have a friend who gets cranky when you steal a chip from their plate. For wild animals, this makes sense, because any food shared is energy lost that could otherwise have been used to pursue more food.
By Chloe May - On 25 April every year, people around the world celebrate World Penguin Day - a day to raise awareness of the plight these flightless birds are currently facing. This takes place at the same time as the annual northern migration of Antarctica’s Adelie penguins and was created as a way for researchers at an American research centre on Ross Island to pass time and raise awareness.
Penguin Awareness Day is an unofficial holiday which is celebrated annually on January 20th. This holiday is used to celebrate and commemorate these fascinating flightless birds which are loved by people all over the world. It’s also a day to bring attention to the plight of these birds whose numbers seem to be shrinking faster and faster each and every day.
On 9 January, The New York Times published a multimedia report with a list of 52 Places to visit in the world. In position 23 figures the Falkland Islands with the following description, emphasizing, five kinds of penguins easier to reach. The report is credited to Nell McShane Wulfhart.
Some 41 ships are expected to visit the Falkland Islands this coming cruise season which begins on Saturday with expedition vessel “Ushuaia”. Total calls in Stanley are estimated in 108 while some 170 in the Camp, but much will depend on the weather.
Perhaps fittingly the King Penguin was chosen as number one in the Falkland Islands Tourist Board’s (FITB) 7 Wonders of the Falklands survey. Over the last three months FITB has asked past and present visitors to the Islands, as well as residents, what they would consider to be their seven wonders.
The planet's largest colony of King penguins has declined by nearly 90% in three decades, alarmed researchers said on Monday. The last time scientists set foot on France's remote Ile aux Cochons — roughly half way between the tip of Africa and Antarctica — the island was blanketed by two million of the flightless birds, which stand about a meter tall.
April 25th is “World Penguin Day”, undoubtedly the world’s most popular bird – think of Happy Feet, March of the Penguins, Pingu just to name a few uses in popular culture. These charismatic flightless birds are funny to watch on land but are graceful and rapid in water. They occur only in the seas of the Southern hemisphere; there are seventeen species of penguin ranging from the Galapagos to Antarctica.