Argentina's state-managed energy firm YPF posted a second quarter net income of 2.297 billion pesos ($252.8 million) on Wednesday, a 50.5% increase on the same period last year. YPF earnings have been cushioned from the collapse of international oil prices by a government-controlled price for oil produced in the country, which sits at about $78 dollars per barrel.
Argentina's government managed energy company YPF said on Sunday that it turned up a new promising shale gas deposit in its giant Vaca Muerta field in the south of the country.The find, in the Patagonian province of Neuquen, suggests there is likely much more gas in the vast but barely tapped Vaca Muerta field, YPF said.
Argentina's oil and gas government managed corporation YPF announced the discovery of a new oil field in Los Caldenes, in Patagonia Rio Negro province, with resources estimated in 40 million oil barrels. Manzano Grande x-1 is the second “discoverer well” in this block of 115 square kilometers located north of the Cinco Saltos town.
President Cristina Fernandez has questioned accusations against Economy Minister Axel Kicillof over his alleged YPF monthly salary of 400.000 Argentine Pesos (approx 35.000 dollars).
Argentina's central bank bought 630 million of dollars on the local currency market on Tuesday in one of its largest-ever purchases, a move that will bolster the country's precariously low hard currency reserves. Some 500 million of the dollars purchased were proceeds from last week's 1.5 billion auction of bonds by state energy company YPF.
Argentina has been sued in a US district court in New York in connection with its nationalization of oil giant YPF in 2012, according to court documents. The plaintiffs are two Spanish firms, and they are represented by a US law firm Burford Capital.
Argentine state majority owned petroleum company YPF has secured funds worth around 500 million dollars on the international finance market after issuing new bond titles, according to the president of the enterprise.
Argentine state-controlled energy company YPF said it signed a memorandum of understanding Wednesday with China's Sinopec pertaining to the eventual development of conventional and non-conventional oil and gas projects in Patagonia.
YPF's oil and natural gas production rose in 2014 for the second year running, Argentina's state-run energy company said on Thursday. Oil production rose 8.7% last year, while gas output was up 12.5%, YPF said, although the company did not publish annual output volume.
The CEO of the state-owned oil company YPF Miguel Galuccio has assured that 2014 “was an exceptional year” in terms of growth and investment. He pointed out that every goal for the year had been achieved.