The slump in global oil prices will reduce Argentina's energy import bill by several billion dollars, a development that could ease pressure on the Central Bank’s strained foreign-currency reserves, according to Economy minister Axel Kicillof.
Argentina's state-controlled oil firm YPF hydrocarbons' production in the third quarter increased by 15.4% from a year earlier to 573,000 b/d of oil equivalent (boe/d). The rise in production translates into a 13.9% increase from a year earlier for the first nine months of the year to 553,000 boe/d.
Argentina's lower house of Congress, which is controlled by President Cristina Fernandez's allies, gave final approval Thursday for a new Hydrocarbons Law that was harshly criticized by opposition lawmakers. The lower house passed the bill with a vote of 130-116 with one abstention after more than 14 hours of debate.
Argentina's state-run energy company YPF closed on Wednesday an agreement with Ecuador's state-owned company Petroamazonas for the enhanced recovery of the mature field of El Campo Yuralpa which will demand an investment in the range of 170 million dollars.
Argentina's state-run energy company YPF admitted on Wednesday having held promising meetings with Russia's Gazpron to consider different collaboration and business opportunities, “but so far has not signed any Memorandum of Understanding, MOU or agreement”.
Argentina's YPF oil and gas state corporation CEO Miguel Galuccio pointed out that the increase in gas prices is needed in order to sustain “strong investment levels” for the company and revealed that the cost of drilling a well in the country's massive oil field in Vaca Muerta has fallen below 7 million dollars.
One of the world’s legendary investors is upping his bet on Argentina’s shale oil and gas industry in a show of confidence for shale production in South America’s largest unconventional prize —and a big boost for both super-majors and smaller players making big waves in the heart of new discovery areas.
Argentine government controlled energy company YPF said on Thursday it signed a 550 million dollars agreement with Malaysia's Petronas to develop shale-oil reserves in the massive Vaca Muerta formation.
Argentina's petroleum company YPF announced the discovery of new gas and oil reserves in the province of Santa Cruz, with the potential to produce more than 200,000 cubic meters of gas and 370 barrels of oil per day at a depth of 2.770 meters.
George Soros’s 28 billion family office boosted its stake in YPF SA, making Argentina’s largest oil company its biggest U.S.-traded stock holding in the second quarter. Soros Fund Management LLC added 8.47 million shares of YPF, according to a regulatory filing Thursday, bringing its total position to 3.5% of the company’s American depositary receipts.