The 34th meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Marine Living Resources closed Friday in Hobart, Tasmania with the unexpected emergence of China as a supporter for a revised Ross Sea MPA. The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) described the Commission’s slow progress to live up to its conservation responsibilities as “challenging”.
The Antarctic Ocean Alliance (AOA) called on the 25 member countries gathering on Monday for the annual meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) to finally agree on lasting and significant Southern Ocean protection.
Using a new net, marine biologists from Germany's Alfred Wegener Institute have, for the first time, been able to catch polar cod directly beneath the Arctic sea ice with a trawl, allowing them to determine their large-scale distribution and origin. This information is of fundamental importance, as polar cod are a major source of food for seals, whales and seabirds in the Arctic.
The Joint Technical Commission for the Maritime Front (CTMFM) announced a ban on hake (Merluccius hubbsi) and squid (Illex argentinus) capture in the Common Fishing Zone of Uruguay and Argentina as of Thursday October first.
The squid season closed in Argentina with a total landing of 127,216.9 tons of Illex argentinus, representing an annual decline of 23% (38,005.6 tons), according to the latest stats published by the Under secretariat of Fisheries of the Nation. Last year the catch totaled 165.221 tons.
Falkland Islands fishing company Fortuna Ltd has become a sponsor and research partner in a PhD student ship on southern blue whiting. The Falkland Islands Government fisheries Department (FIFD) and the South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI) are also collaborators in this research project.
The amount of fish in the oceans has halved since 1970, in a plunge to the brink of collapse caused by over-fishing and other threats, the WWF conservation group said on Wednesday.Populations of some commercial fish stocks, such as a group including tuna, mackerel and bonito, had fallen by almost 75%, according to a study by WWF and the Zoological Society of London, ZSL.
Every country has its bank holidays. Some are widespread such as Christmas Day and Good Friday, others are unique such as Peat Cutting Monday in the Falklands
and Melon Day in Turkmenistan.
Norwegian boat builder Selfa Arctic AS is now supplying the world's first electric fishing vessel. In effect Norwegian fishing company Øra AS has order the world’s first electric fishing vessel, which has been under construction since last autumn.
Spanish engineering and renewable energy company Abengoa announced it has won a contract to build a new fishing terminal in the port of Montevideo, Uruguay, a contract worth 81 million Euros ($93 million). The terminal will be constructed in Capurro, a district in Montevideo helping to expand the port's capacity, Abengoa said.