Busy and attractive Sunday for Falkland Islands residents, two main events will be taking place, the presentation of a state of the art fishing vessel incorporated to the Islands Register and in support of the Islands main industry, plus the annual show organized by the Falkland Islands Horticultural Society.
National Sports Council and Beauchene Fishing Co Ltd have jointly announced a generous funding package to support the Falkland Islands team for the Island Games in Guernsey next year.
A Falkland Islands trawler “Baffin Bay” has sunk at the Galician port of Vigo where it was undergoing maintenance work. The Falklands' Department of Natural Resources reported that on the morning of Thursday 3 December 2020 it was advised of a fire onboard Fishing Vessel “Baffin Bay” while she was berthed at Bouzas in Vigo.
Ahead of the Falkland Islands Government Executive Committee decision recently setting out new criteria for Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) extensions from 2021 to 2046 Beauchene Fishing Co Ltd and Copemar S.A signed a new Joint Venture agreement to commence from 2021.
The close links between the Falkland Islands and the Galician fishing and shipbuilding industries were outlined by James Bates, Executive Secretary of the Falkland Islands Fishing Companies Association, (FIFCA), who recently attended the Conxemar 2019, in Vigo, Galicia, the largest frozen seafood exhibition in Europe after Brussels.
A delegation from the Falkland Islands government was last week in Vigo, Spain to support Falklands Fishing Company Association (FIFCA) members attending the Conxemar Seafood Exhibition and to reinforce the Falkland Islands case during Brexit negotiations.
Patagonia squid caught by the Falkland Islands Beauchene Fishing Company trawlers, scored a hat trick at the Brussels Seafood Exposition this year, winning a quality taste testing award for the third year running, through marketing company Marfrio.
Two Falkland Islands fishing companies were awarded in Brussels last week the Superior Taste Award which was extended to Marfrío a Spanish processing company that works with Patagonian squid caught in the Islands waters.
The Falkland Islands fishing industry must, “use it or lose it,” Director/Owner Beauchene Fishing Cheryl Roberts told the local weekly Penguin News referring to the Falklands containerisation link with the rest of the world.