The Falkland Islands have been for many years utilizing waste fuels and oil for energy from a variety of different sources and now the oil companies operating in the Falklands, having complied with all the safety regulations on storage and handling, are also contributing to the local 'processing' industry managed by Tim Miller and his greenhouse fresh vegetables enterprise.
The Falkland Islands economy has witnessed impressive, although volatile, growth in recent years with unemployment rates low enough to be the envy of most countries in the world and the government is free of debt, according to the latest State of the Economy released by the Falklands Policy Unit.
“ M.V.Ushuaia” was the Falkland Islands first cruise ship visitor this season, arriving last Friday morning ready to greet their guests from Natural World Safaris on Saturdays LAN flight. The group of 81 had a chance to spend some free time on their arrival in Stanley, before boarding their ship.
Tony Mason, Managing Director of the Falkland Islands Tourist Board has today confirmed with MercoPress he will be expanding the tourist boards operation in London early next year.
THE 2014/15 cruise ship season is looking good for the Falklands, with approximately 52,000 passengers due to land with 86 calls to Stanley and a further 113 calls to various Camp landings as well.
“We are encouraged to see the natural progression of the Falklands tourist board on a path to worldwide recognition”, said Managing Director Tony Mason who announced plans for the establishment of an Islands' tourist board branch in London.
Tourist arrivals to the Falkland Islands are expected to increase by 14.6% in 2012 with a significant 28% increase in the number of leisure visitors, mainly driven by the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands war according to the September Falklands Forecast from the Falkland Islands Tourist Board.
Luxury super yacht MY Sherakhan, is one of four vessels new to the Falkland Islands visiting in the 2012/13 season beginning next month. More often spotted in the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas, she also ventures further afield to Patagonia, Antarctica, French Polynesia, Asia, and Panama.
Tony Mason, the newly appointed managing director of the Falkland Islands Tourist Board (FITB), has just taken up his position in Stanley, the Falklands’ capital. Originally from Atlanta, Mason is responsible for overseeing the tourism strategy.
Tourist arrivals to the Falkland Islands are expected to increase by 14.9% in 2012, with a significant 28.8% jump in the number of leisure visitors, mainly driven by the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War.