Punta Arenas port authorities announced over the weekend that they expect the 2021/22 cruise season to begin next 19 October when “Sylvia Earle” calls at Chile's extreme south terminal. She will be the first of some 226 calls, so far, from forty international cruise vessels to which must be added those from domestic companies.
Health authorities from the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica Region in the southernmost Patagonian territory reported on Monday 59 new coronavirus contagions, which means the number of active cases in the region stands at 469.
Next 14th July the southernmost region of Chile, Magallanes and (Chilean) Antarctica, will inaugurate its first democratically elected governor in 178 years. This is the result of the sweeping reforms the Chilean electorate voted on Sunday, particularly for members of a constitutional assembly which will have the task of drafting a new constitution to replace the one inherited from dictator General Augusto Pinochet from 1980.
Magallanes in the extreme south of Chile is the country's region with the largest rate of Covid-19 positive cases, according to the latest official data. On Sunday 108 new contagion cases were reported, 44 of which of random swabbing in the region mainly in the capital Punta Arenas.
Chile and Spain are celebrating the 500th-anniversary discovery of the Magellan Strait, on November first 1520, by the round of the world expedition of Fernando Magellan and his second in command Sebastián Elcano, who had left Spain on September 1519, with five ships and some 247 crew, and only returned three years later with one vessel and 18 men.
The Chief Medical Officer from Magallanes Region, extreme south of Chile resigned following an outbreak of Covid-19 cases in Punta Arenas and serious statements from the Chilean minister of Health which were interpreted as criticisms towards the management of the pandemic
The repatriation flight organised by the Falkland Islands Government arrived this morning, 31 July 2020, from Punta Arenas, Chile returning two Falkland Island residents to the Islands, and departing with 30 passengers on-board.
On July 13 ExCo approved measures to facilitate a repatriation flight for approximately 50 individuals present in the Falklands who had planned to return home via scheduled flights, but due to the suspension of the LATAM services to South America had been unable to do so.
Chile on Sunday reported a total of 271,982 coronavirus infections since the outbreak began in the country, and 4,216 in the last 24 hours, of which 12 correspond to the Magallanes region in the extreme south of the country.
Four passengers have died on a cruise ship off the Pacific coast of Panama with more than 130 others aboard suffering from influenza-like symptoms, at least two of whom have coronavirus, the vessel's operator said on Friday.