Good news and bad news for the tourism industry of Punta Arenas in the extreme south of Chile. The good news is that this Friday some 3.150 cruise visitors are expected to land in the city, they are passengers from the Norwegian Star and the Viking Jupiter, each contributing with 2.348 and 800 pax.
The Search and Rescue operation of the Chilean Air Force’s C-130, that made full use of assets and personnel available of the Falkland Islands Government (FIG), the British Forces South Atlantic Islands (BFSAI) and the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI), continues along with the Chile’s search command, according to a joint statement released on Friday:
Falkland Islands based PHAROS SG, on regular deployment as a South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands fishery patrol vessel, returned on Tuesday morning to Stanley Harbour, after assisting in the search for wreckage and debris from the Chilean C130 aircraft that went missing on Monday 09 December.
The Royal Navy vessel HMS Scott arrived on Sunday in the search area, to provide support to the Chilean military in their response to the loss of a C130 that went missing earlier in the week in the Southern Atlantic Ocean.
The Chilean Air Force contacted relatives of the 38 people aboard its Lockheed Hercules C-130 transport aircraft which went missing Monday afternoon en route to Antarctica to report the discovery of human remains in the area of the Drake Passage where the search for the airplane was underway, José Fernandéz, mayor of Magallanes, told the media.
No progress has been reported by Wednesday afternoon in the search for the missing Chilean Air Force (FACh) Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport aircraft with which all radio contact was lost at 6.13 p.m. Monday.
A Chilean Air Force (FACh) Hercules C130 aircraft took off at 4.55 p.m. local time Monday from the southern city of Punta Arenas and lost radio contact at 6.13 p.m. on its way to Antarctica, according to a press release from the defense authorities. The US built airplane was carrying 38 people on board, 17 crew members and 21 passengers.
Silversea is to charter two private jets for a new fly-cruise program to Antarctica in 2021. The 75-seater aircraft will fly from Punta Arenas, Chile, to King George Island in Antarctica as part of the new Antarctica Bridge program which goes on sale on December 10 this year.
The international airport of Punta Arenas in the extreme south of Chile had to be evacuated on Wednesday afternoon following a bomb threat. Apparently the emergency was called after a passenger started yelling he was carrying an explosive device hidden in his clothes, immediately forcing airport authorities to empty the terminal.
Chilean cruise operators and travel agencies have praised a bill approved by Congress, the Coastal traffic law, which allows cruise vessels with a 400 passenger capacity or more, and even smaller if there are no Chilean similar vessels, to sail along the country's ports.