A partial police shutdown over unpaid wages put Rio de Janeiro on edge Friday, sparking fears of chaos similar to that seen in a neighboring Espirito Santo state where police are in revolt and criminals have run amok. Morale among street police is low as a result of nearly bankrupt Rio state's inability to pay full wages, as well as brutal crime fighting that has seen more than 3,000 officers killed in Rio since 1994.
The former governor of the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro was arrested Thursday for allegedly embezzling funds intended for public works projects, authorities said. Sergio Cabral was apprehended at his home in Rio de Janeiro city's Leblon neighborhood just one day after another former governor of that same state, Anthony Garotinho, was detained on suspicion of attempted vote-rigging.
Marcelo Crivella on Sunday won the mayor's race in Rio de Janeiro, beating leftist Marcelo Freixo by a wide margin. Crivella, with the Brazilian Republican party, garnered 59.35% of the votes to 40.65% for Freixo, who is with the Socialism and Freedom Party.
Rio de Janeiro’s mayor lashed out Sunday at an opinion piece in The New York Times which warned of “catastrophe” at next month’s Olympic Games.
Brazil's Rio state authorities have declared a “state of public calamity” over a major budget crisis, in order to release emergency funds to finance the Olympic Games. The decree authorizes the state to “adopt all necessary emergency measures to ration essential public services in order for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games to take place”.
The United States Carrier Strike Group 9 which is participating in a series of 'Unitas' exercises with different Latin American and Pacific countries, anchored off Punta Arenas and is scheduled to leave on Monday for Rio do Janeiro, Brazil, according to reports from the extreme south Chilean city port.
Military police in Rio de Janeiro who seem to follow a shoot first, ask questions later strategy are contributing to a soaring homicide rate but are rarely investigated and brought to justice, Amnesty International said on Monday as it published exclusive statistics and analysis ahead of the one-year countdown to the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.
Brazil's housing market is now declining, amidst subdued economic growth and some civil unrest. In Sao Paulo, house prices dropped 1.2% during the year to Q1 2015, after annual price increases of 0.83% in Q4 2014, 3.29% in Q3 2014, 5.37% in Q2 2014 and 6.71% in Q1 2014
Purchase real estate prices all over Brazil have fallen a combined 3.47% in real prices the first months of 2015 according to the Fipe-Zap index. The index collected real estate prices in twenty Brazilian cities and measured them against inflation, registering monthly price rises below inflation for the sixth time in a row.
A scantily clad group of female protesters drew a heavily breathing gaggle of journalists and cell-phone wielding onlookers to the beaches of Rio de Janeiro. The protest was not meant to draw attention to another corruption scandal, police killing, or unwanted hike in transit fares, rather demand women’s right to sunbathe topless, a cause that most of the onlookers appeared to support.