Argentine ambassador in London Alicia Castro in a letter published in The Times, defended the peaceful call from President Cristina Fernandez to dialogue and negotiations on the Malvinas Islands issue and underlined that the sovereignty claim over the Islands is 'enshrined in the national constitution'.
The constitution of the Falkland Islands requires that a general election be held every four years to choose the eight members of the Islands’ Legislative Assembly or lower house of government. The next General Election is due to be held on November 7th this year.
When in December 2012, the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center and the NASA Earth Observatory released a new map of the Earth as it appears at night they found something fishy off the coast of Argentina but now the mystery has been solved. About 300 to 500 kilometers offshore, a city of light appeared in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean. There are no human settlements there, nor fires or gas wells. But there are an awful lot of fishing boats.
Falkland Islands are holding elections next 7 November and eleven candidates will be disputing the five Legislative Assembly seats for Stanly and five the three for the Camp.
The Falkland Islands Government has welcomed an announcement from the Panamanian National Assembly approving the formation of the Falkland Islands–Panamanian Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group.
Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd updated investors on its proposed merger with Desire Petroleum (DES) Wednesday lunchtime, signaling the combination should be finished by 19 December.
Following an initiative from a group of lawmakers that recently visited the Falkland Islands, the Panama National Assembly signed a resolution for the creation of an “Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group” between the Falklands and Panama.
The Falkland Islands fisheries sector was invited to Rhode Island, USA earlier this month in order to present the Islands’ success story of data-sharing between the industry and the local fisheries department.
In a poorly attended Ibero-American summit held during two days in Panama, the heads of state and government from the Americas, plus Spain and Portugal, decided that instead of holding annual meetings they would get together every other year, starting after the 2014 summit in Veracruz, Mexico.
Noble Energy the US oil company involved in hydrocarbons exploration in the Falkland Islands has already purchased a temporary dock facility, is looking for a rig to start exploratory drilling in early 2015 and next month begins additional 3D seismic surveying.