The tourist season in the Falkland Islands opened on Saturday with the arrival of the M/V Ushuaia, which with 84 passengers is typical of the many smaller expedition vessels which pay visits to Stanley and also to some of the outlying islands famous for their abundant wildlife.
In a new initiative the Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) has published their first Annual Report. The report, which is designed to keep people informed about Government activities on and off the island, was published on this website on September 2nd and has been distributed to stakeholders, according to the latest South Georgia Newsletter edition.
Preparations are under way in the Falkland Islands for a General Election to be held on November 7 this year and 4.30pm on October 17th marks the last moments for would be Members of the Islands Legislative Council to announce their candidacy. This year the list of candidates will be subject to particular scrutiny.
A visiting delegation from the Falkland Islands Chamber of Commerce heard on Monday from the Vice-Chairman of the Uruguay-British Chamber of Commerce, Guillermo Wild, that Uruguay offered unrivalled opportunities for trade and access to Latin American markets.
HMS Richmond was on patrol in the South Georgia Maritime Zone at the end of September and came to anchor off Hope Point on the 27th for a three-day visit, reports the September edition of the South Georgia Newsletter.
Premier Oil, which has a farm in agreement with Falkland Islands Rockhopper Exploration, is buying into an exploration project in Kenya, by farming into onshore Block 2B.
Royal Navy’s newest ice patrol ship HMS Protector leaves Portsmouth this week on deployment to Antarctica, but she will be returning to Davenport, where she is to be based in the future.
Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's 1983 papers were opened at the Churchill College Archives Centre (Cambridge) and online on the website of the Margaret Thatcher Foundation in October 2013.
Argentine ambassador in London Alicia Castro underlined the “very deep friendship and understanding links” that exist between Britain and Argentina and also reiterated the need for dialogue in the Malvinas Islands question. The occasion was the 65 anniversary of the Anglo-Argentine Society which was celebrated at the Argentine embassy in London.
Argentine Vice-president and acting President Amado Boudou, Foreign Minister Hector Timerman, other cabinet ministers and lawmakers met this week with Saint Vincent and Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Everard Gonsalves, on an official invitation to visit the country to thank the Caribbean leader for his support in the Malvinas cause.