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Latin America

  • Thursday, March 3rd 2016 - 05:11 UTC

    EU top official expected in Argentina to bolster Mercosur/EU trade negotiations

     Ms Mogherini is expected next Wednesday in Buenos Aires; following a meeting with her peer Susana Malcorra, the EU official will be received by president Macri

    Argentine president Mauricio Macri is scheduled to receive in a week's time the European Union head of foreign affairs, Federica Mogherini who is expected to announce that all is ready to begin, next April, formal negotiations for the long-delayed trade and cooperation agreement between Mercosur and the EU.

  • Monday, February 29th 2016 - 09:16 UTC

    Esso to intensify oil exploration in Guyana's Maritime Zone

    Minister Trotman told the National Assembly that there is growing interest in Guyana’s hydrocarbons and Exxon-Mobil will drill another exploratory well.

    Oil exploration efforts have intensified following the discovery of commercial quantities of oil in Guyana’s Maritime Zone. Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Ltd. (EEPGL) has commenced a meteorological and oceanographic survey in the Stabroek Block, scheduled to be completed during May 2018.

  • Monday, February 22nd 2016 - 08:35 UTC

    Citibank selling consumer banking in South America's three largest economies

    “We have decided to focus our efforts on opportunities with our institutional clients in these countries and throughout the wider region,” said CEO Michael Corbat

    Citibank is planning to sell the consumer banking operations it has run for a century in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia as South America’s three biggest economies suffer a major downturn. The New York-based bank said in a statement that its decision was prompted by a desire to allocate resources where it can generate the best returns.

  • Monday, February 22nd 2016 - 07:45 UTC

    Polls suggest Morales narrowly lost the re-re-reelection referendum; Bolivia opposition celebrations

    Morales, an indigenous Aymara and former coca leaf producer, took office in January 2006 and the president's current term ends in 2020.

    President Evo Morales of Bolivia has narrowly lost a referendum to allow him to stand for a fourth term in office, exit polls suggest. One poll suggests 52.3% voted against the proposal to amend the constitution, while another suggests it was 51%. However, Morales's deputy has predicted Bolivia's first head of state of indigenous origin could still win, as official results trickle in.

  • Thursday, February 18th 2016 - 07:08 UTC

    Obama expected to make a historic visit to Cuba sometime in March

    ABC and CNN reported the news of the Obama visit, which went without confirmation from White House officials

    United States President Barack Obama will make a historic visit to Cuba within the next month, the culmination of his efforts to end a half-century of tensions between Havana and Washington, ABC and CNN reported late Wednesday.

  • Saturday, February 13th 2016 - 05:55 UTC

    CONCACAF will not advance which candidate it supports for FIFA presidency

    “We spoke about the FIFA statutes. Because of all of the nations coming together, four of the [candidates] asked us if they could present”, Mainka said.

    CONCACAF (Central America, North America and Caribbean Football Confederation) deputy general secretary Jurgen Mainka says the purpose of this week’s meeting in Miami was to discuss FIFA and CONCACAF reforms, not to decide on which FIFA presidential candidate the regional confederation will support.

  • Saturday, February 13th 2016 - 04:08 UTC

    'Queen Mary 2' calls in Ushuaia after ten-year absence

    Passengers after landing at the Ushuaia jetty, with the Queen Mary 2 anchored in the bay

    One of the world's largest and most iconic cruise vessels called at Ushuaia, extreme south of Argentina, on Thursday following an absence of over ten years. Given the size of the 'Queen Mary 2', she anchored in the bay and those passengers of the 2.600 on board who decided to land were brought ashore in tenders.

  • Friday, February 12th 2016 - 18:47 UTC

    Falklands' (oil exploration) “has been a hugely successful campaign”, says Rockhopper

    The notice to terminate follows a number of operational issues with the Eirik Raude rig. Chatham well is deferred until Sea Lion pre-development drilling campaign.

    Rockhopper Exploration which has a joint venture agreement with Premier Oil offshore the Falkland Islands, described the oil exploration campaign now terminated as a 'huge success' and underlines the postponement of the Chatham well drilling will have no impact on the Field Development Plan for the Sea Lion oil discovery development.

  • Friday, February 12th 2016 - 18:14 UTC

    Falklands' exploratory campaign ended, following termination of ocean rig contract

    The rig 'Eirik Rude' experienced a number of material operational issues, according to Premier Oil and Noble Energy

    The Falkland Islands government and Premier Oil have announced on Friday the ocean rig 'Eirik Raude' contract termination, which in practical terms puts an end to the current exploratory campaign and the scheduled drilling of the Chatham well. Nevertheless both sides underlined the success of the now terminated campaign with the oil discoveries at the Zebedee and Isobel Deep prospects in the North Falkland basin and look forward to continue working in the near future.

  • Friday, February 12th 2016 - 07:10 UTC

    Uruguay’s Quiet Democratic Miracle

    Uruguay ranks as the least corrupt and most democratic country in Latin America, and along with Chile, is rated as a “high income” country by the United Nations.

    By Uki Goñi -

    ”Because here nobody is better than anybody else.” The phrase, one of this small South American country’s most cherished sayings, dates back to the 19th century and is often repeated by its thinkers, presidents and everyday citizens. As a simple expression of the democratic spirit, it sums up how Uruguayans feel about their homeland.