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Falkland Islands

  • Monday, January 22nd 2018 - 09:51 UTC

    Falklands takes over Premier's Temporary Dock Facility until April

    “This project presents us with a good opportunity to determine if there is sufficient commercial appetite for an expanded dock infrastructure in Stanley Harbor”.

    An agreement has been signed by the Falkland Islands Government (FIG) with Premier Oil to secure the use of their Temporary Dock Facility until March 31, 2018. This pilot project is intended to test the market for additional berthing capacity within Stanley Harbor and to facilitate maintenance works on FIPASS.

  • Monday, January 22nd 2018 - 09:44 UTC

    Falkland Islands geography a trap for pilot whales (*)

     Pilot whales buried in sand

    Sasha Arkhipkin, Senior Fisheries Scientist talks about mass strandings of pilot whales.

  • Monday, January 22nd 2018 - 08:12 UTC

    INSV Tarini is moored in Stanley, Falkland Islands

    The Governor and MLA Stacy Bragger (L) were there to greet the crew. (Pic FIG)

    We’re so proud to welcome these adventurous ladies and look forward to their time with us said the Falkland Islands Governement on tweeter.

  • Monday, January 22nd 2018 - 07:45 UTC

    Falklands confirms appointment of Chief of Police

     Speaking of his appointment, Mr. McMahon said: “I’m pleased to take up this post and continue to play my part in the security and safety of the Falkland Islands”. In the photo with   Governor Mr Nige

    The Falkland Islands government, FIG, announced on 16 January the permanent appointment of Jeff McMahon as Chief of Police within the Royal Falkland Islands Police (RFIP). Mr. McMahon arrived in the Falkland Islands in May 2017 and was promoted to Detective Chief Inspector in July.

  • Sunday, January 21st 2018 - 11:47 UTC

    Go, TARINI Go...

    Team Tarini with Indian PM Narendra Modi

    We all love to dream, and strive hard to achieve them, yet this voyage by the team of six Indian Naval Lady Officers is much bigger than a mere dream! It’s a daunting challenge posed by the stormy seas and fierce weather, which could deter the best of the seafarers! Yet, they chose something for which they had opted. Team Tarini, a name that will be attached to the six brave Navikas’ as they are termed for the rest of their life.

  • Saturday, January 20th 2018 - 07:19 UTC

    Falklands expecting arrival of the all-woman Indian Navy team in INSV Tarini

    The tiny sailboat INVS Tarini with its six member crew left India last September and should be arriving in Goa next April. (Pic by Indian Navy)

    The all-woman Indian Navy team sailing in the INSV Tarini in one of the toughest feats, a global circumnavigation trip has successfully crossed the notoriously rough Drake Passage, rounding Cape Horn off the southern tip of South America and are en route to Stanley in the Falkland Islands, where they will be arriving any moment.

  • Friday, January 19th 2018 - 09:18 UTC

    A Falklands' Caracara escapes from London Zoo and spends ten days on the loose

    The Striated Caracara is found in the Falklands, where the species has a reputation for bold and mischievous behaviour, and are referred to as “Johnny Rooks”. (Pic A. Hansen)

    A powerful bird of prey native to the Falkland Islands was captured on Wednesday after escaping from London Zoo and spending 10 days on the loose. There were repeated sightings of the two-foot tall raptor, called a Striated Caracara, in Camden this week, with one report that it was seen “ripping into a whole cooked chicken”.

  • Thursday, January 18th 2018 - 08:20 UTC

    A second attempt to erect a statue of Margaret Thatcher outside Parliament looks set to fail

    Thatcher was UK’s first woman premier, its longest-serving prime minister of the 20th century and won three consecutive elections for the Conservative Party.

    A second attempt to erect a statue of Britain's former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher outside parliament, just six months after a first proposal was thrown out over vandalism fears, looks set to fail after officials recommended it be rejected.

  • Wednesday, January 17th 2018 - 22:37 UTC

    Falklands' lawmaker in Guyana to discuss self determination and border controversies

    MLA Hansen, left, with Minister of State Joseph Harmon, center, and British High Commissioner to Guyana, Mr. Gregory Quinn.

    Falkland Islands lawmaker MLA Ian Hansen made on Wednesday a courtesy call on Guyana's Minister of State Joseph Harmon at his office in the Ministry of Presidency, in Georgetown, the country's capital.

  • Wednesday, January 17th 2018 - 16:52 UTC

    It's World Penguin Day!

    In case you didn't know, this Saturday, 20th January, is World Penguin Day! What better way to celebrate it than start planning your own Falkland Islands adventure. Penguins...well we've got plenty, but that's not all the Falklands is about. It's a bird watcher's paradise. It is fabulous for walking, exploring, photography, fishing, and immersing yourself in island life. And perhaps as much as anything else, it's the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of, well, the rest of the world!