Falkland Islands' Member of Legislative Assembly Roger Spink has expressed concern about the shortfall in achieving the objectives of the capital program for 17/18.
A lively exchange took place during the Falkland Islands March 12 public meeting in which the proposed second commercial flight to a third country with a stop in Argentina was considered. The public was particularly interested in knowing if any “red lines” had been established and wanted confirmation that one of the stop options was not to be Buenos Aires.
The Falkland Islands Government, FIG, has issued a public consultation document covering the taxation regime for oil companies operating in the Falkland Islands and their associated supply chain partners. This consultation will be open until Friday 6 April 2018 for responses from interested parties, which will be summarized and fed into final policy and legislative design later during 2018.
Two significant items of business were conducted during the first meeting of the newly elected Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands. The first was the election by members of the Speaker of the House and his or her Deputy.
Residents of the Falkland Islands went to the polls yesterday, with results released earlier this morning. Seventeen candidates stood for election to the Legislative Assembly and have campaigned over the past month to be elected to office.
Residents of the Falkland Islands are due to go to the polls to elect their new Legislative Assembly on Thursday 9th November 2017. Seventeen candidates are standing for the eight available spots on the Assembly. The Assembly is responsible for the internal government of the Islands and sets the national agenda. It also liaises with the United Kingdom Government on issues of defence and is increasingly actively involved in foreign affairs efforts on behalf of the Islands.
The Falkland Islands and its people want to be 'good neighbors, have trade links, cooperation agreements and closer relations with the southern cone of South America, but 'without losing our identity', said Falklands lawmakers to Punta Arenas Prensa Austral that was present at the celebrations last Saturday for the 250th anniversary of the first flying of the Union Flag in the Islands marking the beginning of British rule.
Falkland Islands economy will keep growing and businesses will be busy next year spurred by the oil industry and better Illex catches, anticipated Falkland Islands Chamber of Commerce, FICOC, Roger Spink who was re-elected as head of the Board of Directors.
Successful trade missions to Uruguay and Chile and the growing support and know-how links with Scotland for the development of the Falkland Islands oil and gas industry were mentioned as some of the 2013 highlights by Roger Spink, president of the Falklands Chamber of Commerce in his Christmas speech.
Preparations are under way in the Falkland Islands for a General Election to be held on November 7 this year and 4.30pm on October 17th marks the last moments for would be Members of the Islands Legislative Council to announce their candidacy. This year the list of candidates will be subject to particular scrutiny.