The Falkland Islands Government confirmed on Friday that travel arrangements are now in place for the crew and passengers who were evacuated from the stranded cruise Le Boreal on Wednesday 18th November, to return home. Two flights have been coordinated, one departing Saturday and the following on Sunday.
Falkland Islands de-mining and ground clearance work has got off to a flying start despite the cold and snowy weather of late, Program Manager Guy Marot confirmed on Thursday to the Penguin News.
A two-part sculpture dedicated to Britons who lost their lives in service of science in Antarctica will be unveiled by a Watford man. Brian Dorsett-Bailey, 75, will officially reveal one of the monuments at Stanley in the Falkland Islands in tribute to the 29 people who have died in British Antarctic Territory, reports the Watford Observer.
This week Houston based Noble Energy, one of the several oil companies operating in the Falkland Islands made the official opening of the temporary dock facility (TDF) in Stanley, an essential piece for the logistics of the industry which is scheduled to begin another round of exploratory drilling in the first quarter of next year.
Premier Oil has updated progress on the Sea Lion project, the first field development offshore the Falkland Islands. Latest subsurface studies suggest recoverable reserves for the Phase 1 development at 308 MMbbl, with further upside of 60 MMbbl if next year’s well on the Chatham prospect confirms that there is no gas cap in the western side of the field.
The Argentine 2015 presidential campaign has reached the Falkland Islands. Presidential hopeful and former Vice-president Julio Cleto Cobos is currently visiting the Falklands where he arrived on Saturday on the Lan Chile weekly flight and will spend the rest of the week in the Islands.
Sailors from HMS Clyde joined other protectors of the Falkland Islands as the British Overseas Territory marked the 32nd anniversary of its liberation. The ship’s company took part in a memorial service and parade, and hosted veterans of the 1982 conflict on Liberation Day in the Islands’ capital, Stanley.
Author: Beverley McLeod - A charming, well-written and informative book about the author’s childhood experiences in South Georgia. Born in Stanley in 1951, Beverley McLeod lived on South Georgia between 1957 and 1961, where her father was a radio operator at King Edward Point for the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey.
The internet tourist guide from Argentina's nationalized oil and gas company YPF describes the Malvinas as Falklands, Puerto Argentino as Stanley, and Isla Gran Malvina as West Falkland, claim several Argentine media.
When the seat of government of the fledgling British colony in the Falkland Islands was moved from Port Louis to Stanley, in 1845, under the direction of Governor Moody, one of the first buildings to be constructed in what became known as the Government Dockyard, was a large store. This shingle clad, two story building, known as the Old Central Store still exists and is thought to be possibly the earliest large construction in the whole of the Southern Cone of South America.